Christophe Snoeck | credit @ Frédéric Raevens photography

Prof. Christophe Snoeck

In my research, I combine my multi-disciplinary expertise in archaeology and isotope geochemistry to answer key archaeological questions. Following a MSc in chemical engineering (ULB, 2010), I obtained a second MSc (2011) and a PhD (2015) in archaeological science from the University of Oxford (UK). I then came back to Belgium as a post-doctoral researcher at the VUB. In 2017 I obtained a post-doctoral fellowship from both the FWO (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen) and the FNRS (Fond de Recherche Scientifique de la Belgique) to expand my research on the isotopic study of burned human remains.

Since January 2018, I am also the Scientific Coordinator of the CRUMBEL project - Cremation, Urns and Mobility: population dynamics in BELgium - funded by the Belgian Excellence of Science program (EoS). Bringing together researchers from three Belgium universities (VUB, ULB and UGent), this project studies the collections of Belgian cremated bone dating from the Neolithic to the Early Middle Ages to provide insights on funerary practices, migration and mobility patterns of past Belgian populations. On 1st February 2021, with the start of this ERC project, I also start my tenure track as a Research Professor at the VUB. 

Photo credit: Frédéric Raevens photography 


  • MEng Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences 2010, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  • MSc Archeological Science 2011, University of Oxford, UK
  • DPhil Arcaeological Science 2015, Unviersity of Oxford, UK
  • FWO Post-doc 2017-2020, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • FNRS Post-doc 2020-2021, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Key Research Interests

  • Bioarchaeology
  • Cremation & Funerary rituals
  • Radiocarbon dating
  • Isotope analyses (H, C, N, O, S, Sr, Nd, Pb)
  • Biologically available strontium & Isoscapes
  • Bone diagenesis

Main Publications

  • Snoeck C., Schulting R.J., Brock F., Rodler A.S., Van Ham-Meert A., Mattielli N. & Ostapkowicz J. 2021. Testing various pre-treatments on artificially waterlogged and pitch-contaminated wood for strontium isotope analyses. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8:589154
  • Veselka B., Locher H., de Groot J.C.M.J, Davies G.R., Snoeck C. & Kootker L.M. 2021. Strontium isotope ratios related to childhood mobility: Revisiting sampling strategies of the calcined human pars petrosa ossis temporalis. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry.
  • Schulting R.J., Snoeck C., Pouncett J., Brock F., Bronk Ramsey C., Higham T., Devièse T., Delancy K., Pateman M., Keegan W. & Ostapkowicz J. 2021. Six centuries of adaptation to a challenging island environment: AMS 14C dating and stable isotopic analysis of pre-Columbian human remains from the Bahamian archipelago reveal dietary trends. Quaternary Science Reviews, 254:106780
  • Snoeck C., Ryan S., Pouncett J., Pellegrini M., Claeys Ph., Wainwright A.N., Mattielli N., Lee-Thorp J.A. & Schulting R.J. 2020. Towards a biologically available strontium isotope baseline for Ireland. Science of The Total Environment, 712:136248 
  • Snoeck C., Jones C., Pouncett J., Goderis S., Claeys Ph., Mattielli N., Zazzo A., Reimer P.J., Lee-Thorp J.A. & Schulting R.J. 2020. Isotopic evidence for shifting mobility and landscape use between the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in western Ireland. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 30:102214
  • Snoeck C. & Lee-Thorp J.A. 2020. Advances in the study of diagenesis of fossil and subfossil bones and teeth. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 545:109628
  • Fernández-Crespo T., Snoeck C., Ordoño J., de Winter N.J., Czermak A., Lee-Thorp J.A. & Schulting R.J. 2020. Multi-isotope evidence for the emergence of cultural alterity in Late Neolithic Europe. Science Advances, 6(4):eaay2169
  • Capuzzo G., Snoeck C., Boudin M., Annaert R., Dalle S., Hlad M., Kontopoulos I., Sabaux C., Salesse K., Sengeløv A., Stamataki E., Veselka B., Warmenbol E., De Mulder G., Tys D. & Vercauteren M. 2020. Cremation vs inhumation, modelling cultural changes in funerary practices from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages in Belgium using Kernel Density Analysis. Radiocarbon, 1-24
  • Pederzani S., Snoeck C., Wacker U. & Britton K. 2020. Anion exchange resin and slow precipitation preclude the need for pretreatments in silver phosphate preparation for oxygen isotope analysis of bioapatites. Chemical Geology, 534:119455
  • Snoeck C., Pouncett J., Claeys Ph., Goderis S., Mattielli N., Parker Pearson M., Willis C., Zazzo A., Lee-Thorp J.A. & Schulting R.J. 2018. Strontium isotope analysis on cremated human remains from Stonehenge support links with west Wales. Scientific Reports, 8:10790


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1050 Brussel