Jane Evans
British Geological Survey,
United Kingdom
Jane is a geochemist, pioneer in the creation of bioavailable strontium baselines.
The LUMIERE project is supported by an international advisory committee made of experts in the fields of archaeology, bioarchaeology and geochemistry covering a wide range of aspects of this project. The advisory committee will help and guide the researchers of the LUMIERE project in their work.
Jane is a geochemist, pioneer in the creation of bioavailable strontium baselines.
Carola is an archaeologist expert in prehistoric archaeology and transalpine mobility.
Mike is an archaeologist specialised in prehistory and funerary archaeology, interested in questions of mobility in the past.
Antoine is a bioarcheologist particularly interested in using isotopes to better understand the relationships between humans and their environment in the past
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel
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